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1.     You found her playlist on Spotify is almost the same as yours.

2.     Both of you will discuss awhile after movie, or even wish to start a movie club together.

3.     You will discuss your dream with her and she will agree, wishing to be part of it

4.     Talking about opening a restaurant in the future, you said you’re gonna responsible for the food and the internal design and she will say “Okay. The music part is gonna be mine.”

5.     You just wanna do whatever you want to make her happy, so you tried to make some neon bottles to cheer her up on a rough day.

6.     The first time you see her, you feel like seeing an old friend.

7.     Falling in love with her is like having a best friend but the love is stronger than you can imagine.

8.     You will try every method to get her out on a Friday night, just to chill around and talk.

9.     You think she is cute and sexy in any ways.

10.You love seeing her wearing glasses without makeup, just the most original her.

11.You feel like the world is treating you too good when she said yes to spend her birthday with you.

12.Sometimes, you think she understands you more than yourself.

13.Both of you found yourself working harder on each other’s stuff than your own.

14.You have actually noticed her for a long time, and you feel heart broken seeing her in a relationship every single time.

15.She can hang around with you in the book shop for a whole day.

16.She will ask you to watch drama series together.

17.You will have secret code with her and the code is actually some words like “Oklahoma”,”55555”, etc. The fact is you can play this for a week by saying there’s different meaning on the same word.

18.You start missing her when she said “nighty” or “goodnight” to you.

19.You guys will talk about the past.

20.You guys are completely honest to each other cause there’s nothing to hide and the true “you” is the best to each other.

21.You wanna kill all the jerks who have ever broken her heart. 

22.You want her to get everything she wants, and you are trying your very best to help.

23.You can stay overnight to help her doing her homework.

24.You think she is your soulmate.

25.Both of you listen to similar music and she always urges you to play guitar so she can sing and start a youtube channel.

26.She gave her remaining water in the bottle when you guys are in the middle of a hiking route and it’s pretty dangerous under 35 degree in summer.

27.You give her a book on her birthday and told her she is going to be awesomely great this year.

28.Both of you read the same book and longing for the movie on screen.

29.You guys will spend a day on grass, reading, chilling, chatting because you don’t wanna stay home.

30.You want to ensure she is safe so you make excuses to escort her home.

31.She helps you to make cheat sheet for examination just because you don’t have enough time to do that.

32.She bought your mother a cake on Mother’s Day because you don’t get a time to get gifts for your own mother.

33.The happiest activity of you guys are going to grocery store and look at different food and drinks.

34.She helped you to make a birthday cake for your best friend just because you are suck at making sweets.

35.You will go and have a run with her, even you are wearing leather shoe after work.

36.She lied down with you on the grass in the late night just because you have a pretty rough day.

37.She will tell you something is wrong with you and motivate you all the time.

38.When you didn’t sleep for a week because of the stupid exam, she is always there to take care of you even she got her own problems ahead.

39.She is sleepy but she insisted to stay awake until you’re safely home after a drink of Friday night with friends.

40.She is imperfect, but with her, your life is perfect.

41.She bought you stuffs on her trip and she wrote a memo on every single one.

42.You tried to give her a surprise and she knew it right before that every single time by saying “I know you too well.”

43.Karaoke is the best killing time activity of you guys and you guys can go 3 times a week, still found so much fun.

44.You checked her flight schedule and waited her outside the gate, you can truly see how happy she was at that moment. She asked you why you’re coming, and you told her just because you don’t want her to go home alone lately with a heavy suitcase. And she smiled back.

45.You guys always watched/listened/looked/thought the same thing, and you feel so creepy of having someone thinks exactly like you.

46.Both of you are having the same attitude in life.

47.You guys love to have breakfast date.

48.She will watch The Ellen Show or The Tonight Show with you when nobody around is having this habit.

49.She is your sole motivation and she made you feel like you can handle all the problems and challenges in life.

50.You just knew it the day you saw her: She is pretty, beautiful, tough but weak inside. She is just too perfect for you and you wish to live your life forever like this… just with her.


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萬眾期待的Grammy Awards 剛剛在星期日晚完滿結束,當中少不了橫掃4個大獎的Sam Smith 年輕的二十二小子擁有著一把move到你同我的聲音,唱出 “Ohwon’t you stay with me? Cause you’re all I need” ,如果有幸聽live的話,筆者可能會真心暈低。


Sam Smith係推出《In The Lonely Hour》之際come out of the closet,因為呢隻碟就係講愛上一個不會愛上他的男生。當你嘗試代入Sam Smith 的心態,你真係會聽到心都碎。當然啦,好歌點止Stay With Me,就係幾日前推出的Lay Me Down MV 又再一次明白其實love is a feeling towards that special person (no matter a he or she), you will never feel the same to any others if you have met one.


Sam Smith在你我看似很風光前,其實活得很黑暗。首先,能承認自己的性取向已經用了你成世一半的勇氣。”I just want to say before I made this record, I was doing everything to try and get my music heard… I tried to lose weight, and I was making awful music. It was only until I started to be myself that the music started to flow and people started to listen… So thank you guys for accepting me for being just me.” Sam Smith 係台上講的呢一番話,至少感動到我,因為如果真的能找到個完全接受你一切的人,應該會用了你一生的運氣。




Geek N.


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筆者又去左一個人睇戲,今次又係有被Oscar 提名的Wild 《狂野行》。另一套期待已久但不令人失望的好戲選。2015果然係好戲之年,就連Avergers 系列都會係今年一一令戲迷大飽眼福。言歸正傳,Wild 對又係一套你要去戲院欣賞的作品。未睇影評前,已經對主題十分之有興趣,可能因為筆者都係愛行山人士,再加上自己有試過一人出走去Tasmania ,所以特別身同感受。


Wild  主要講述女主角Cheryl 因為希望忘記母親離世婚變吸毒,甚至用性去麻醉自己,糟糕都不行的生活,決定用三個多月徒步行走大平洋翠園步道以遠行去忘記所有傷當中有很多很想退出的位置,但行多一日又一日,每日行的路不多,起初甚至連日常用品都十分缺乏,看到那個比女主角大幾倍的背包,便想像到每天獨自走上十多英里,並不是一件容易的事。至少對一個女生來說,每天面對著不同的困難和挑戰,種種的危險,能多走一天都需要感恩。




Wild 是真人其事,今次找來了Reese Witherspoon演女主角,她把角色的心理狀態和想法自然地表達出來,令電影的服力大增,特別是大多鏡頭都以素顏上陣,對於現實中Reese Witherspoon 給人的感覺大不同。如果有細心留意,片中是極少有音樂背景的,據說是導演希望利用女主角的內心獨白和呼吸聲增加共鳴和真實感。


故事平淡,但足以令筆者回想起自己遠行的一點一滴。選擇遠行,選擇肉體上的傷痛是因為我們相信這些痛楚終有一天會痊癒。有時候,在人生不同的頸位,會發現無論身邊有多少人幫助你,只有你自己一個能把破碎的心靈醫好,到底,有誰比自己了解自己。人生總會有大大小小的傷痛,而快樂的來源便是真正明白自己。其實人生同遠行,亦像馬拉松一樣,只要挺過去,便發現所有事情比你想像中來得小,比其他人的困難來得容易。電影的最後沒有交待女主角最終能否走出黑暗的日子,重生生活,找回自己生存的意義,但看完的感覺很好,因為我們心底裡都知道if I can do this, anyone can.

 Wild 2  

Keep in faith x


Geek N.字


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Brunchner in Bed Club的成員除了想做一名廢青,當然有文青的一面,其中有鋪戲後發表人生大道理的癮。上星期六到戲院看了Boyhood,未入場先興奮!




 三年又三年,再三年真真正正呈現於大銀幕前。電影由2002年開始拍攝,主要是講述一位名叫Manson Evans Jr.的男孩 由六歲到十八歲的成長經歷。由於電影的背景是發生於美國,相信美國的觀聚會有更大的共鳴和迴響。我們與Manson的童年可能沒有相同的事發生,至少我們不會剪草,不會到國家公園露營, 不會踏著滑板上學,也沒有為總統選舉出過一分力。但我相信我們每一位都曾經有過一樣的感覺,小時候很想長大,不知道長大是什麼的一回事;但當長大變成你必要的階段時,卻猶豫究竟自己想要的是什麼,應該跟著別人的期望,還是走自己想要的人生?


Richard Linklater 執導,知名作有日出,日落,午夜之前的愛情三部曲,加上不少好評,和如此認真的製作,未上映已經對此片十分期待。在飛機上都忍了好幾次,堅持在戲院的大銀幕前用三小時看十二年的青春和改變。此片是一個大膽的嘗試,特別是在香港的市場,有不少人會覺得像記錄片一樣,看著男主角在單親家庭中成長,焦點不只放在Manson 身上,還有他身邊的姊姊,母親和一個又一個的繼父。其中一幕是講述母親在Manson準備離開時,情不自禁地哭了,訴說自己的一生就這樣過了一大半,結過數次婚,生下了一對子女,完成了大學和博士,當了自己想做的教授,也養大了一對子女,供書教學;當她回顧自己的一生,好像沒有什麼是自己真的很想要的。相信這一幕,對於不少香港人來說,都是其中一個很大的疑惑。另外值得一提的便是當演父親一角的Manson Evans Sr.,在短短的三小時,我們可以看到其轉變,由不定性的大細路,到慢慢開始懂得照顧他人。雖然建立了自己的家庭,但仍堅持每個假日帶一對子女到處走走,很記得他說過一句:”You don’t want the bumpers, life doesn’t give you.” 好像在為未來埋下了伏線。父親在 Manson 的成長中擔當了很重要的一角,像朋友一樣,陪著男主角長大。在後半部分, Manson 中學畢業當天,男孩剛與女友分手,對於未來仍然未有明確的目標,他問父親人生的意義是什麼,父親答了一句:”Everything? What’s the point? I mean, I sure as shit anybody else, okay? We’re all just winging it, you know? The good news is you’re feeling stuff. And you’ve got to hold on to that.”




需要一讚的是soundtrack 的鋪排的確花了不少心思,特別是當Manson 長大後準備離開母親到大學宿舍生活的路上,一個人駕著卡車播著由Family of the Year 主唱的Hero, 就好像是由他們唱出Manson 的心聲,一方面對未來充滿寄望,一方面對自己的未來仍然處於未知的狀態。片尾中講述了Manson 與數位在大學剛認識的朋友到山上看日落的景色,而他與女友人談及了活在當下的生活態度,影片在二人的對話中完結,也就是Manson 開始人生新一頁的時候。而令我最心刻的一句說話就是在片尾,二人談論 “seize the moment”,而女孩回答了一句 “I’m kind of thinking it’s the other way around, you know, like the moment seizes us.”




P.S. 筆者到至今仍聽緊首Hero,可見其影響力極深。


Geek N. 字



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Brunchner in bed 

Brunch一字相信對大部份人來都不陌生,但brunchner一字就真算是相當新鮮,就連筆者在microsoft word 中打 brunchner 一字都會出現紅色「蛇蛇」所以筆者在此亦「帶定頭盔」表示千萬別在formal setting 下無故用到此字 。根據外國流行英文用語字典「權威」urban dictionary, brunchner 就有以下解釋:



以上所用例子中,Sandy形容朋友Gina忙到只有空吃brunchner,但當brunchner加上in bed二字,效果就完全不同。對於稍為有些微生力的年青人來breakfast/ brunch in bed 已比登天更難,所以brunchner in bed 基本可算是廢青同義詞。就以urban dictionary解釋而定,要做到brunchner in bed第一個先決條件是下晝三點後仍在床上,有人視此為毫無作為,社會敗類,但筆者視此為終極人生目標。


及時行樂,有什麼會比睡到自然醒,然後跟喜歡的人吃一餐白粥油條brunchner,不用看著時鐘做人來得真心快樂 。只可惜生活迫人,20出頭, 上學上班家人情人朋友把時間表排得很多人連早餐都沒時間吃,brunchner in bed 此刻好像遙遙無期。


對於Brunchner In Bed Club 成員而言,brunchner in bed 不只是一餐黃昏吃的早餐,brunchner in bed 是一種放下生活,及時行樂的態度,是一種追求。就如今天,brunchner in bed club成員決定開始做口水佬,講自己鍾意但無人想聽的東西,不求有人看,只求有發聲的incentive。筆者希望世界上人人都買張如下圖的 bed trayjoin the Brunchner In Bed Club

breakfast tray   


P.S. 筆者家中有從Ikea購入的bed tray, 自購入後,樂此不疲。快樂其實一百蚊有找。


Dork J. 


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