
萬眾期待的Grammy Awards 剛剛在星期日晚完滿結束,當中少不了橫掃4個大獎的Sam Smith 年輕的二十二小子擁有著一把move到你同我的聲音,唱出 “Ohwon’t you stay with me? Cause you’re all I need” ,如果有幸聽live的話,筆者可能會真心暈低。


Sam Smith係推出《In The Lonely Hour》之際come out of the closet,因為呢隻碟就係講愛上一個不會愛上他的男生。當你嘗試代入Sam Smith 的心態,你真係會聽到心都碎。當然啦,好歌點止Stay With Me,就係幾日前推出的Lay Me Down MV 又再一次明白其實love is a feeling towards that special person (no matter a he or she), you will never feel the same to any others if you have met one.


Sam Smith在你我看似很風光前,其實活得很黑暗。首先,能承認自己的性取向已經用了你成世一半的勇氣。”I just want to say before I made this record, I was doing everything to try and get my music heard… I tried to lose weight, and I was making awful music. It was only until I started to be myself that the music started to flow and people started to listen… So thank you guys for accepting me for being just me.” Sam Smith 係台上講的呢一番話,至少感動到我,因為如果真的能找到個完全接受你一切的人,應該會用了你一生的運氣。




Geek N.

    relationships love beyourself

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